What is your opinion on lgnpc project?

LGNPC is mostly good if you like talking to NPCs. There are certainly some off moments--I don't really like how one of the writers seems to enjoy "grimdark" themes (mainly in Pax Redoran and Secret Masters), and I know some people really hate Pelagiad (personally I think if your immersion is shattered by wereguars you need to get a sense of humor, and I hate to imagine what will happen when you learn "weresharks" are canon) but it is mostly good--again, if the idea of having long chats with NPCs is appealing to you.

If you *are* worried about thematically inappropriate stuff, avoid the three mods I mentioned--Pax Redoran, Pelagiad and Secret Masters. Pelagiad is disliked for being goofy, and personally I don't like the other two for going too far in the other direction--being annoyingly grimdark and doing things like describing sexual assault. The other mods, as far as I remember, are broadly inoffensive, though I haven't spoken to every single NPC so I don't know that for sure.

/r/tes3mods Thread