girl gamer here and csgo sucks the life out of me

Ok I've seen a lot of posts about being a girl in Valorant/CS and how it sucks.

First of all I am in NA region right now, maybe people are more enlightened here or something, in the 10 or so matches I've played with girls (only in solo Q) no one has even commented on that. They are also usually duo qed, maybe that helps. But I don't know if you can change regions or queue with people.

In which case, you are up shit's creek. I understand it sucks. But to be fair, people have gotten to faceit 10, even FPL without mics. I think the sooner you realize that the only thing in a multiplayer game you can control is yourself, the sooner you will have fun. If you constantly get harassed, thats fine, don't voice comm. That's not what's holding you back from being a good player and progressing in the game.

I have a friend with a speech impediment and to be honest he gets shit for it as well so much that he doesn't talk unless he's queueing with us. But he's faceit 10 and I'm no where near that. So it's definitely possible to have fun and enjoy the game imo.

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