Being Sued Over Debt Collection?

Thank you so much. I think I'm stressed so much because I didn't expect to lose my job and the cost of living where I am is sky high and getting worse. I read that they could garnish wages and all that if they win and I totally panicked. I have kids to fees, you know?

In my state, looks like statute of limitations for credit card debt is 6 years. It's 3 years old now. Are you saying by year 4 they're kinda barred from doing anything? Truthfully I am looking to pay them and remove this from my report because I do want to clean this up. It's just that I was never contacted. I didn't know it existed. And then me simply calling and inquiring resulted in court documents in the mail that I was also not made aware of or called or emailed about. To go from knowing nothing to being handed court documents at my house freaked me out.

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