Mod for Reducing Inventory Duplicates?

-- replacement light id
local replacementLightId = ""

-- list of light item ids you want to replace
local toReplace = {

-- helper function to check if a list contains a value
local function tableContains(tbl, str)
    for i, val in pairs tbl do
        if (val == str) return true end
    return false

-- function runs when the "active" event is triggered.
local function activateCallback(e)
    -- If it's not the player then ignore
    if (e.activator ~= tes3.player) then return end

    -- if not a light then ignore         
    if ( ~= tes3.objectType.light) then return end

    -- If the light being activated is in our "toReplace" list
    -- then do the thing.
    -- Delete the object. This is dangerous btw. I wouldn't do this     -- in a published mod but for personal use it's ok I guess.
    -- Add the replacement to the player's inventory.
    if (tableContains(toReplace, then      
        tes3.addItem({reference = tes3.player, item =   replacementLightId})

-- register the activateCallback function event.register(tes3.event.activate, activateCallback)
/r/tes3mods Thread Parent