What's the overall amount of time spent on cleaning the Mighty+?

Every 2-3 maybe 4 days a week. Cleaning is simple and easy whether you use the dosing capsules or chamber. It requires almost no effort.

All you need is 99 iso, 15mm screens from Amazon, maybe a spare cleaning unit or 2, capsules if you want them, a regular jar or container to put your o rings and cooling unit parts in with iso (you can re use this next time also) q tips as well and I like to get a couple air duster cans from the electronic section of Walmart to just clean out any debris or dust and keep it in perfection condition. Also some lens wipes and a microfiber cloth work great too.

Overall the process is simple and you just burn off the iso for 3 rounds after cleaning and put everything on once it's dry.

/r/craftymighty Thread