When did Ice change?

i know man it seems like only yesterday Ice was sitting at his PC back in Florida, laughing at all the YouTube normies who fake their content and sell out. Flash forward to today, he's living in LA, actors are appearing on his stream, & he's dating a reality tv actress. Let's talk about this Caroline chick for a minute. She's fucking nuts. Her ultra conservative government parents fucked with her head so much that she went and had a bunch of shitty plastic surgery. Now she only has 1 fucking facial expression and I don't know what the fuck she's saying half the time. And get this, she wants to control Ice, control who appears on his stream, and use the stream to get back at her enemies. She fucking exposed her escort roommate just so people would shit all over her. The bitch is nuts, she's probably compiling a file on Ice ready to expose him when she gets dumped. Don't get me wrong, it's gonna be good content when it happens, but she's a damn psycho. And Ice allowed her to pressure him into confirming their relationship status. Ice wanted to keep his options open, but she kept pushing and pushing until he finally confirmed her to be his girlfriend live on air. Now every time he does his whatitdoladies everyone will know he's just acting for the stream. She even wants to go to Las Vegas with Ice and Mitch to keep an eye on him. Shit's fucking lame, dude. To top it all off, Ice let her trash talk Voldesad. Florida Ice would never let some basic valley girl talk shit on his childhood friend. Florida Ice would have told her to go fuck herself. Man, what the fuck happened to this dude? I'm fucking done.

/r/Ice_Poseidon Thread