A Three Word Takedown

Repeating yourself doesn't make it any less false than it was the first time. You're projecting your own ignorance on me here, I made my argument plainly and unapologetically. Stick with the meme posts, they're much more your speed.

Republicans are Trump supporters, either directly or indirectly, how they feel about that is irrelevant to the result. That's not generalizing, or whatever other "ur just as bad'!!" gotcha you think you have here, it's just reality.

I'm sure you'll be back with some more witty infantilizing of the strawman you've been manufacturing for this whole conversation, and another /r/iamverysmart for the hat trick, but alas I won't be reading it.

Good post. Lousy comments. C-, room for improvement. Best wishes and sayonara.

/r/MurderedByWords Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it