When did VT become so inhospitable?

Be Prepared is a scouts motto!! When doing outdoor sports in winter weather, especially in a rural state like VT, it's vital to have all of your needed provisions and gear before even arriving here. Don't rely on something that you can't confirm will be there, and always have a backup plan. Vermont ski mountains tend to focus on the natural beauty of the outdoors and less on the amenities in a nearby village, so lowered expectations in regards there may also help. It's surprising that you've been coming here for so long and haven't run into problems like this in the past. It sounds like y'all just didn't think ahead quite enough and are taking it out on vulnerable low income folks (no one is refusing to work, they may just decline a bad-faith job offer), but that's just my take as a Vermonter. I genuinely hope you learn to prepare more thoroughly so you can actually enjoy your vacation next time. Happy New Years.

/r/icecoast Thread