When F2P always have the advantage, why do people spend? Not the whales. But the mid budget spenders. How many of you do medium spending? How has it paid off?

I only pay when I know what I'm going to get, like those "choose 1 selected gacha SSR" type of offers. I'd never pay for just an SSR ticket; not even if they reduced the pool for that special offer. I also buy 20-30 dreamballs once in a while, but NEVER to mix them with the free ones; I only spend 1 per day on regular banners (I got blue salinas recently by doing that. And before him, many others). If the 6 step-up banner is good, I may complete the 270 needed dbs with some paid ones. But that's all.

The truth is, if getting those things was cheaper, I'd probably buy a lot more. 90 USD for a ticket that could give you a dupe or some useless shit? They're nuts

/r/CaptainTsubasaDT Thread