When learning to code hardest thing is frustration, not learning or motivation

I've been working on this HD Wallpaper site. Nothing too special but it is a rare occasion that I put together an entire CMS with WAMP. I think I have done it about 5 times.

It is nothing special, Bootstrap for responsiveness, the files are being saved locally and the URL's are being stored in the DB. I can easily print the array in neat little boxes and well, so far so good. But I want this to be scale-able. I want to be able to serve 10k images. But I can't exactly print an array of that many images in one simple for each.

So I decided to use Ajax or "Pagination" as it seems to be referred to. Friday night I started reading as much as possible to get a firm grasp of this. Saturday I had a decent plan to implement it. I spend a good 8 hours on it Saturday, I learned a ton but the shit didn't work. Sunday rolls around and it was raining outside. So I spent all day, about 10 hours working on it. I made progress, but decided in the end that I need to step back and re write it.

The point is that by the end of the weekend I literally wanted to throw away my computer. But I stepped away, watched a movie and decided to plug away at it when I had a bit to go over the details in my head.

It's not even that complicated. I mean I work with PHP everyday. But then again PHP isn't the problem. My girlfriend asked, 'Why don't you just post a thread on reddit and asked for help". The cool thing is that I know that I can and the community hear and a few other subs are so insightful that I could have it solved in an hour. But I told her that is my last resort. For now I am going to bang my head on the wall. Cause in the end, when it works its going to feel great.

Anyway cheers and keep at it.

/r/learnprogramming Thread