Where are all the people who had one or more internships, a good GPA, went to a prestigious university, and/or had impressive side projects?

Prestigious University: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Impressive side projects: hackathon projects, 10+ side projects ranging from websites made in high school to networked media streaming programs to school projects including a linux-esque OS from scratch and hacking an early 2000's BMW (remotely activating brakes, ransomware, etc)

Internships: 24 months of experience, pay ranged $19-$32/hr

  • National Laboratory (QA automation) - 3 months
  • Small townie FPGA company (sw product development) - 3 months
  • Very large tech company (tool development) stayed through fall semester - 7 months
  • Nearby recently-acquired startup (dev-ops contractor) still feelin fuck school in spring - 5 months
  • Back to Fortune 100 corp (device testing, tool development) - 3 months
  • After senior year, back to same company (security tool development) - 3 months

GPA: 1.98 (2.06+ expected). Never have put my GPA on a resume. Not exactly "a good GPA", but just barely exactly a "degree-earning GPA". Rainbow transcript of many A's, B's, C's, D's, F's, and even a W :)

After super senior year, accepted SW engineer offer at the same large company $100k base; total offer val ~$165k, plus benefits and 401k/HSA/etc

uni + side projects + internships - gpa = job

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