Where do most of you stand with John Anthony West and Robert Schoch's views on the first dynasty?

maybe you should be a little more open minded and stop trying to scrutinize other peoples beliefs and will to learn more. There have been millions of hypotheses over the years from huge scientist that have been debunked or disproved. The real issue is that as a society we never question the norm, we accept what these big wigs are saying and never blink an eye. Whether what they say is true or not, let people encourage their own way of thinking. Let people do their own research, stop being a know it all. The issue with today’s society is EVERYONE has to be right, we can’t let people be free thinkers today because it’s a threat to what we have already known as true. Come back to me in a few years because all three used to be hated and now they are actually being listened to.

/r/ancientegypt Thread