Which dating app have you found to be the most "collapse friendly"?

Check this out. I couldn't post in the sub

dates vegans touching on the eco point. I don't have many deal breakers lifestyle wise but do prefer leftists. Though I've dated 2 women that lean right too, or at least neoliberal. These trends like main character energy are something I've tried to tap inro in person. Saying wild shit about myself in hopes I find someone similar and letting others just make of things as they will. So that hits the across several categories.

Everyone except college students know it's kinda dire out there. I've noticed a good bit of a class divide on travel pics and pics on boats. As well as obvious sorority sisters. The white colllar has a tenuous existence too. I don't work much seeking a good full time job and fell out wifh someone who works 6 days a week before anything really started. "OnlyPlans" is so common that the last time it happened it was mutual. I have been going more for in person than online but the in person has also had it's wires crossed with online because I stand out in a crowd and as a writer and drug user, could easily write 250 characters to someone and fuckin forget about it, and have. That leads to confusion and hurt feelings I've also found out I'm not alone in that regard. We stay alone together, together, alone,

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