Mask Compliance for OCDSB teachers

Aight boys I'm liquored up enough to give enough fucks to write out a wall of text to tell you how retarded this whole shit show has been. If you are a concerned parent, at least with kids in highschool here are two tips for them. At the beginning of the day stay the fuck back at the end of the crowd, turns out trying to shove 1k+ students through two sets of doors prolly wasn't the fucking greatest of ideas so you got them all stampeding through one set with one teacher too fucking busy on here phone to make sure a single kid actually disinfected their hands. Second protip wash your fucking hands and don't touch your face. If any of you fucking mongs actually looked at the advice from the health dicks you would know that ppe (that means masks and what not retards) is your last line of defence for the spread of the virus. Swear to fucking christ all you fucking retards have such a fucking hard on for god damn masks but you leave all your shit all over your god damn desks so we can't fucking disinfect things worth shit. Aight rocked a piss and ready for round two here. We are so short handed it is fucking stupid, spend about 30 hours OT in two weeks, it felt like I never left that fucking building and I passed on about 40 hours to people who should not be responsible for a pet rock. Anyways tl;dr shits fucked boys and we should have a hell of a lot more cases and I should delete this account

/r/ottawa Thread