China, Russia and white supremacy top DHS' first public threat assessment

That sounds pretty horrible and I genuinely am sorry for the shit you’re dealing with. I hope that your unfortunate move ends up leading you to a much happier and more peaceful life.

But the DHS and FBI are apparently both in agreement that they are not a threat. Perhaps that will change.

It is my hope though that those advocating violence as anything more than a last ditch or pragmatic measure of self defense will be eventually pushed out by more sane people. Or perhaps an overtly Non-Violent group will be born from this cluster fuck.

These things don’t tend to end well when violence is anywhere near the “branding” if you will. For instance the Black Panthers were actually Strictly for being armed for the purposes of self defense alone. Their values were far more about community, education, and literally feeding the hungry.

But because of the militant branding being emphasized by the media, the FBI had absolutely no trouble slaying all their leaders and pushing narcotics into their communities.

Fucking sucks. There were some brilliant people in that group once. They even teamed up with poor white southern groups—that REALLY did not have favorable views on race—to start economic relief plans and legislation that would help all of them. That’s the kind of unity we need.

But images of them holding guns was all that was needed to get the average American to give Zero fucks about how many of them were assassinated.

I seem to have rambled off here. But my point is that I’m sorry you’re having to regularly deal with violent people. I really hope that shit starts calming down and finding alternative means of achieving the same goals. For everyone’s sake.

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