Which effect are we almost sure to see tacked onto cards with (insert new set mechanic here)?

well here is the thing. first off if youre playing constructed and buying packs youre throwing away money

I'm not buying packs for constructed, I was talking about limited playability. There are often only one or two eternal-playable cards in an entire block, and only a few modern-playable cards in a block.

so lets do a thought experiment here lets say every card in the set was playable in limited from the splashy mythics all the way down to the commons I mean every card no 0/1s for 1 no mythics that are only constructed playable

That's not what I said, so I don't see the relevance of this thought experiment. I actually said:

They're not fun build-around-me casual mythics or anything, nobody has a problem with them making mythics for EDH or casual players (I personally love those chaotic red mythics they print every set, Possibility Storm, Epic Experiment etc.)

Next time please learn to read.

imagine building a sealed pool from this set. surely there would be some cards that you would not want to play. now lets say you do a bunch of sealed tournaments over the course of this format. again in each one there would be cards not making the cut in your deck. Im sure if you looked at the cards you werent playing you would notice a lot of repeats. basically no matter how good they make the cards a bunch of cards will always be unplayable. plus limited is basically the art of playing with bad cards if you only got good cards it would be constructed

I already addressed this point.

I know their reasoning, but I don't agree with all of it. There's a difference between 'we have to print cards that, compared to the rest of the set, are bad' and 'half of the commons in FRF have to be unplayable outside limited and bad in limited'.

In many other limited formats (for example, triple Khans of Tarkir), most of the commons are limited-playable. Not all of them, of course, but they're mostly roughly around the same power level.

In comparison, the extremely bomb-oriented FRF + 2x KTK format has a low power level of commons and a high power level of bombs, and few good build-around-me uncommons.

Nobody is expecting every card in the set to be constructed playable, that's laughable. But every card in the set that isn't designed for constructed should be draftable in some sort of deck, even if the major draft archetypes don't include it. There will always be a 'worst card in the format', by definition, but that shouldn't be half the commons.

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