Which pen should I get for college?

Grad student here, and I tend to agree with every comment that was left previously. The Lamy 2000 would be an excellent choice for note taking (large ink capacity, and snap cap), as would the VP (although the ink capacity is a bit lacking). But I'm also going to suggest that you take a look at some vintage pens so you can find a relatively cheap and reliable writer that is not flashy: the Parker 45, Sheaffer Imperial II, Sheaffer Snorkel, and Sheaffer Imperial IV. All of these will be available on "peytonstreetpens.com"; however, they also pop up on /r/pen_swap.

The Parker 45 is an excellent note taking pen. It has a snap cap, writes very well, and is generally sold with a converter (and it takes Parker cartridges). It comes in a variety of colours and can be found for under $50.

The Sheaffer Imperial II Deluxe is another great pen for EDC. It is a snap cap and fills using the "Touchdown" method (http://www.richardspens.com/?page=ref/profiles/td_tm.htm). It also comes in 4 colours and can be found for under $50.

The Sheaffer Snorkel is a screw cap; however, the filling system is what makes this pen. It uses the "Snorkel" filling method (http://www.richardspens.com/?page=ref/profiles/snorkel.htm), this allows you to refill your pen without getting any ink on the section. If you run out of ink in a lecture, all you would have to do is take out either a small bottle of ink or a sample vial, and fill your snorkel using the instructions above. The whole process can take under 20 seconds. Also cleaning a snorkel is relatively easy (suck up water through the snorkel, and pump it out until it's clear. It really doesn't take very long).

The Sheaffer

/r/fountainpens Thread