Whoever keeps snitching on higher level weed dealers....

You must have really nice friends. =(

I've got really bad epilepsy and CBB doesn't seem to help (I've smoked until I get headaches from it.) I've never struggled in my career until I started taking carbamazepine/Phenytoin/Depakene for my seizures (the meds make me feel more spaced out then 10 dabs)

I've already lost 1 job because of it. I just risk wrecking into people now because I have like 2 seizures a month but can't afford to keep losing jobs. Whatevs. I regret moving here as this was all under control back in TX with about a gram a week, and it was easy to go to a NORML meeting to meet some kind people but here it's just fucked as nobody cares about a medical case. Super sad for me because it only takes about a gram a week to stay seizure free =(

/r/Charleston Thread Parent