The wink that became an overnight sensation in India

Do I strike you as inarticulate or unintelligent? You do realize that nerds aren't the only people who aren't cognitively delayed, right? I called you a nerd because you decided to get all self-righteous over a dumb joke, not because I can peer through your computer screen and see you in all your inglory. But thanks for confirming, I guess?

As for being pathetic, I'm no more or less important than any other human on our big blue sphere. That includes you, my naive and purportedly ingenious friend. Perhaps you might let down your rainbow-colored suspenders and travel the world someday, making stupid jokes based on your experiences! Let's hope you don't folly to upset some fragile teenager on the other side of the planet when you do.

Oh, and obligatory r/iamverysmart! Hopefully you shed some cringe as you age.

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