Wish list!

  1. A better bipodding system would be awesome. So damn hard to get an MG42 on anything except either very low terrain with a terrible FOV or else an obvious spot where you're too exposed above the ground like in all of the bunkers. Would rather be able to set up my bipod on the high part of the hedgerows where they're currently impossible to place.

  2. The removal of snipers from the normal squads. Make a separate reconnaissance unit as it's own independent squad with snipers and spotters. Would limit the current huge advantage multiple snipers have on each time.

  3. Characters moving around in vehicles and other static positions like MGs. Kind of like the current V13 update squad is getting (and on that note, the squad leader hand signals). Also, perhaps add multiple running animations to not ruin the immersion when seeing multiple teammates running in the same direction. And on that note... New character models.. Know they're time consuming but I bet the community would be willing to design some of them free of charge.

  4. The additions to weeds and low grass. The terrain textures on the current maps are too similar. A bit of variation would help. I really enjoy the way the the new "Best" map has all that bush cover in a few spots up north.

  5. Dynamic weather and storms would be awesome. Don't know how difficult it is but water running off buildings would be cool. Also the night maps need some rain!

  6. I wish the Offensive mode would get allow the defending team more time to prepare. Even just an extra minute or two would be adequate, rather than everything having to be thrown together so hastily.

/r/postscriptum Thread