Words that start with "A" and are followed by another word.

Not a linguist here but I think there are different groups of words involved.

  1. Indicating that there is something currently happening (with the implication that there was a time when it wasn't and will again be a time when it won't): ablaze, alight, afoot...
  2. Indicating an opposite (or at least outside of the stem word): atypical, achromatic, atonal...
  3. Coincidental. Not willing to supply a list as I don't know enough about etymology to rule out other meanings.
  4. Other reasons. There are bound to be a few more categories, some I could probably find if I squeezed my brain hard enough, some that would forever elude me.

If you can find enough members of a category, you may find a name for it by doing a web search for the words. Hope this helps a little.

/r/words Thread