AITA for getting jealous that everyone is paying attention to my aunt's pregnancy over mine?

Hard NTA Going against the grain because, your feelings are valid. When you first got pregnant, you had the full on support of your family, but the second your aunt announced they withdraw support immediately which is an issue. I understand the gifts, I do not understand the not even calling or checking in on you. The blatant favoritism of your aunt's pregnancy, when in all honesty, yours is just as equal and deserves as much support. I do understand aunt has been trying for 17 years, I know the struggle of trying. However, I know the first few weeks and months, I know the scariness of a first time pregnancy. It's horrible not to have support from your own family, it's horrible hearing them say you aren't as important. I'm so sorry OP, I hope your in laws are better than this. I know I will get downvoted, but I know your struggles.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread