Worf is a terrible Morn


The bat'leth (Klingon: betleH, rough pronunciation: [ˈbɛtʰlɛx]; plural betleHmey, [ˈbɛtʰlɛxmɛj]) is a double-sided scimitar/hook sword/lujiaodao hybrid-edged weapon with a curved blade, four points, and three handholds on the back. It was designed and created by Star Trek: The Next Generation visual effects producer Dan Curry for the Star Trek franchise, where it is the characteristic melee weapon of Klingons. Curry has called the bat'leth "one of the iconic images associated with the show". It has spawned a smaller weapon, which became known as the mek'leth; in Klingon, this is written meqleH.

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