I worked as a 911 Dispatcher for two years. AMA


My very first call, day 1 that I was by myself a girl calls and says "My roommate is dead" I asked her how she knew, she said that he had a phone cord wrapped around his arm, and a needle sticking out. She was so upset she was hyperventilating. She refused CPR and was afraid to even touch him. She confirmed he was cold to the touch and his lips were blue. After EMS and police got there, I found out it was actually my friends boyfriend. He was only 19 at the time. Roxy overdose.

When I applied for the position, I had to listen to a call to make sure I could handle the horrible calls that come in. I had to listen to a call where a mother was just enjoying her summer day with her baby girl by the pool. She put her baby in the swing (out by the pool) ran inside to get a drink and when she came out, the dog had ran by and knocked the swing set into the pool. The little girl didn't survive. It was an awful phone call.

A girl called to say her brother was running around with a gun to his head.. you could hear him screaming and her screaming, and then all of a sudden BOOM. Then she really started screaming..

A woman called 911, to report that her exboyfriend had killed her brother, and held her hostage for 3 days. When the deputys got there, the man was naked on the front porch and attempted to shoot himself in the neck, but he actually survived and went to prison. He'd done unspeakable things to that girl, with a broomstick and all while her brother laid dead on the sofa in the next room.

The worst call I recall (again, not my call but one of my coworkers) a man calls and says that his neighbor is shot and bleeding, her arm is broken and she is covered in blood. We speak to the lady, turns out she is one of our deputys. She is crying, stating that her husband has gone crazy and tried to kill her, and to please hurry because her kids are still in the house. When deputys got there, her husband had killed her two kids, and himself, and shot her but she was able to escape. Turns out her husband had found an old phone that she used in college with text from another man, thought she was cheating, and in a jealous rage tried to kill everyone.

/r/AMA Thread Parent