Would LDN help, also tips/guidance/help needed

Did you go on and off any psych meds or did these symptoms happen naturally before any psychiatric medication was tried? Or did you start with more mild anxiety have reactions to meds and now it added all the physical stuff?

Some people have bad reaction to psych meds even from 1 dose and get weird symptoms for months, sometimes a year or so…


There are many stories on SA about that.

If you had all these symptoms before trying any psych meds some people can get post viral syndromes with dysautonomia etc. r/covidlonghaul you can see possible similar issues

Obv people on the internet are just guessing though.

In terms of LDN it helps some and not others the only way to know would be try a very small dose I’d start super low since you don’t know what’s going on like 0.5 and work up if you don’t get any side effects.

/r/LowDoseNaltrexone Thread