X-idea to stop procrastinating?

Please read or listen to "The Willpower Effect" by Kelly McGonigal.

It's a tremendous book that has helped me bust through procrastination.

Ya know that feeling you get when you KNOW there's stuff you need to do? That overwhelming feeling that the task is "lurking" behind your shoulder, hovering and waiting for you to "go get it done"?

We avoid the task because it seems "too hard" or "too big" or whatever "too" words we use to give ourselves permission to not go do that thing, because we make it feel like it will lead to pain.

So, two things I do; I think about me in the future, and how great Future Me is going to feel when he has all that leisure time PLUS the added fact that he got his tasks done. Since I relate to my future self really well, I want future me to be happy (particularly because I realize I ALWAYS eventually become Future Me). So why not help the me I'll eventually be?

This realization usually helps bust through, but if I need more help, I simply observe my feeling of procrastination. Meditation really helps get your willpower reserves back, and watching my procrastination feeling helps me recognize that I'm doing it.

I should mention it's not the feeling of doing the task, it's the feeling of being held back by procrastination. The feeling of having my brain put the brakes on my motivation.

I find if I observe this feeling for a little while, it tends to lessen, because I know what I'm doing. I refocus on Future Me again and remind myself that the habit of procrastination is something familiar to my brain, so this pattern of thinking and feeling is totally normal, and that I can change it.

A third thing I do, is I chunk the task or habit down to the smallest possible task.

For example, I floss my teeth every day twice a day after brushing. I used to hate flossing. How did I start? I made an x effect card that says "Floss at least 1 tooth a day".

So ridiculous right? But as soon as I start, I'm flossing them all!

Once we get over the hump that our brains tell us is "too much", we find the task is easy. And then we get to enjoy being Future Us, playing video games or enjoying a less stressed life, because we rewarded ourselves with the fruits of our labor in the past.

I hope this helps, but seriously READ THAT BOOK. It's SO SO GOOD.

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