380 words Would women be okay with only sex for procreation?And other questions. 337 words I'm expecting controversial topic about this topic, but what is your opinion about brothel for those with mental and physical disabilities, including boys with autism and injured soldiers? 1,100 words Mary Koss Interview 562 words Honest: If the common standard for campus sexual assault is “more likely than not” the harassment or violence occurred to hold an accused responsible, how isn't this an issue for feminism / men? 307 words Criticizing how rape culture theory is used, vs. criticizing the idea itself. 308 words Honest: If the common standard for campus sexual assault is “more likely than not” the harassment or violence occurred to hold an accused responsible, how isn't this an issue for feminism / men? 289 words Do you require your partner to be a feminist? 450 words [Stories] What story do you tell when someone says that sexism "isn't as bad as they say"? 430 words Why does western feminists rarely speak up against Islam, despite their religion goes everything against feminist ideology? 376 words Why does western feminists rarely speak up against Islam, despite their religion goes everything against feminist ideology? 418 words Should women on campus try and stop MRA groups? 533 words How do you keep the pain of discovering the injustice of the world from eating you alive? 342 words If the gender-wage gap is real, why don't employers only hire women? 606 words Is belief in patriarchy and overwhelming male privilege mandatory to be a feminist? 554 words What would you do if your son told you he had become an MRA? 681 words Regarding recent "female privilege" list that appeared on /r/MensRights, How accurate do you think it is? 400 words What are some of your favorite quotes are and why? Which activists inspire you? 511 words Is it possible for a man to be rude to a woman without simultaneously being sexist? 326 words What happens in an ideal world? 362 words Two questions from an MRA (I promise I am not here to fight)