How do you keep the pain of discovering the injustice of the world from eating you alive?

I know this feeling. I often express it when I can. But because we live in a world, that too many look down upon having problems, being worried and bother, not having a "thick skin", and earnesty and honest in being hurt and worried by the cruelty of the world. The feeling of weltschmerz.

I think that, for most of us, the world can be overwhelming and unjust. I wish I share this with more people without them looking down on me as weak and overly sensitivities. Making myself a target. But this is a normal and horrible common feeling. You aren't alone. Sometimes, I go to bed at night, feeling like the world is just too ridiculous and cruel to be real. The world can feel like a poorly written story, sometimes.

I don't know what to tell you. Because I don't always handle such frustrations with the world in the best of ways. Sometimes, I just want to take a break from it all and get lost in escapism, in imagination and idealism. Sometimes, I take a break from immersing myself in too much of the badness of the world, and just play a cute video game or watch a cute show, or something like that. I like cute things, that's a hobby of mine. I follow a lot of people on tumblr who blog about that sort of thing. And I watch cartoons and anime and video games, about more pleasant things in live. Things that are heartwarming and cute. Though I have to be careful, because those, too, can not only contain lots of sexism, but often horribly disturbing levels of them.

But a fun hobby that isn't focused on negative things has been a nice escape for me. I'm not a shut-in, but I think I understand why so many men and women alike become so absorbed in things video games, anime, sci-fi and fantasy shows, cartoons, comics and books, posting on tumblr all day. Become asocial, and dependent on escapism. It is a very flawed and often unbelievably cruel world out there. It's not hard to understand how many people become withdrawn, and partake in things that comfort them, rather than challenge them. And it's hard to blame people, but hiding won't make a change.

And I help myself to feel good, by reminding myself, that there is good out there. And I can make a difference. That I'm not alone. That for every cruel misogynist, every bully, every person who acts anti-social and mean. There are people who care about empathy, that care about compassion, that care about sensitivity, that care about kindness, that care about equality, that care about making this world a better, kinder place. And that I'm not alone. And there are people who do want to listen. That things can change.

Instead of focusing on how bad things are, I always try to remain idealistic and optimistic. I imagine what the world can be, and try to work toward that. And I always remember that I'm not alone. You can't fix all of the cruelty and injustice in the world alone, and neither can I. But together, we can make a difference.

/r/AskFeminists Thread