564 words Do you believe in the validity of non-binary identities? Are non-binary identities inherently sexist? Why or why not? 477 words Why do you STILL believe in the Wage Gap Myth? 183 words Guilty Skeptic 181 words Is it transphobic to not want to be romantically involved with transwomen? 267 words Why is patriarchy such as in ill-defined concept in feminism? 205 words Should pro-feminist men ever pursue relationships with women? 190 words Infidelity. This time it's being advocated by a published and credentialed Feminist. Thoughts? 456 words Pro-life thoughts + 256 words Why feminists want to be men? 237 words Feminist opinion please, something a girl did to me 481 words What does /r/AskFeminists think of this policy? "University To Freshmen: Don't Expect Safe Spaces Or Trigger Warnings -- "we do not cancel invited speakers because their topics might prove controversial, and we do not condone the creation of intellectual 'safe spaces.'" 273 words What do you think of this anti feminist MRA's explanation as to why trans women experience the majority of transgender violence? 231 words Am I a bad feminist? 533 words Help me to understand your POV. 555 words Help me to understand your POV. 850 words Does Muslim immigration worry you? 350 words Is it possible to disagree with women on gender issues without 'invalidating their experiences'? 371 words What is the appeal of pink princesses to young girls? 333 words In what way are women in the U.S. held back? 340 words What, if anything, is wrong with Trump's comments towards women?