Should women on campus try and stop MRA groups?

Middle-aged CIS/Hetero/White/Male here. Since I identify as a feminist and since the question pertains to MRA groups I hope nobody will feel that this is yet another case of my kind trying to hijack this thread as per usual and make it all about the poor men. Yes, I identify as a feminist, but as the father of four sons I also care deeply about many of the issues which MRAs discuss. As with most activist movements, there are extreme elements and the MRAs in my experience contain more so than most. That however does not invalidate MRA issues (e.g. growing academic gap - undergrad enrollment is down to 42% male and shrinking, much higher rates of death by suicide by boys/men, circumcision - aka male genital mutilation, higher incarceration rates, longer prison sentences for the same crime, higher risk of being victim of homicide or violence yada-yada-yada). None of those concerns invalidate feminist claims of oppression by men, but they need to be addressed nonetheless. Feminists sometimes like to point out that by joining with them to fight the patriarchy men can make strides addressing MRA concerns and there is some truth to that (e.g. bell hooks' The Will to Change gives an excellent overview), but at the end of the day Feminism is primarily concerned with addressing female oppression and men do have a valid need for a space of their own to address theirs. The sad thing is that the fledgling MRA movements are very new and typically filled with men who have just awoken to their oppression (oftentimes via divorce, job loss or other traumatic events) and are rather bitter and express a lot of misogyny, hatred and foul language. That is to the detriment of the MRA movement and they need help from more experienced activists to grow into a better and stronger contributor to driving societal improvements. Many MRAs like to blame Feminism for all their issues and creates an impression of two camps fighting. I think this is terribly sad, but I do understand how they arrive at such thoughts - read this fairly good analysis to understand what I am referring to: TL;DR - MRAs are have a large ratio of toxic folks but are based on valid issues that need to be addressed. Rather than blocking them, work to make them better!

/r/AskFeminists Thread