602 words Can we talk about Islam? 168 words Do you think modern feminism would be viewed positively by more young guys, if feminist movements did more to combat issues concerning men? 219 words Should "rape by deception" be illegal / is it illegal? 194 words Birthrate Reduction Through Girls' Education 735 words Do most feminists believe that men don't want women to succeed? 173 words If the Patriarchy is a system made by men to benefit men then why is the retirement age for women across so many countries lower than men? 446 words Would any feminists here accept the hypothesis that pervasive "man shaming" and "man baiting" (IE, "men are fair game for hate speech but can't retaliate because privilege, hahaha") is fuelling the alt-right? (Loooong analysis here, but interested in responses) 168 words Feminism and Male Leaders 219 words Why is it NOT okay for a man to "manspread" but it is totally fine when a woman takes up another seat with her purse? 350 words Why is it NOT okay for a man to "manspread" but it is totally fine when a woman takes up another seat with her purse? 475 words A question triggered by a statement in GoT: Why are men at the bottom not men? 270 words Government spending on healthcare 184 words Is it sexist to call the Violence Against Women Act the Violence Against "Women" Act? 441 words Am I victim blaming? 175 words Has the feminist position on genital preference changed in the last few years? 235 words In your most unbiased opinion, are most feminists usually unfair to most men, and do feminists generally self-victimize? 300 words Is it Ok to Punch a Nazi? 406 words What are your thoughts on the events at Berkeley? Do you take a side, if so whose and why? If not, why? 200 words Why are there feminist positions that consider transgender identities invalid? 216 words Is my boyfriend being kinda sexist or am I overreacting?