178 words why are taxes theft/slavery? 201 words Is the Land Value Tax truly the least bad tax? 146 words What is the Libertarian view on "socialism for the rich"? 133 words What is the Economic Calculation Problem? 254 words Which Candidate Was Best for Us? 149 words What's your opinion on the George Floyd incident? 108 words Why wouldn't Keynesian policies work? What would be a better alternative 152 words How do you work with the IRS personally? 157 words What do you think of Brett Kavanaugh and the allegation of sexual assault? 366 words What about bike lanes? 345 words Secession of the States 257 words In a Libertarian society, how do you deal with the problem of streetlights? 169 words How do libertarians view the power transfer that would occur with a change to a smaller government? 248 words How can people fairly compete in a "free" market if they don't have access to adequate healthcare? 464 words Minarchist Government Reform 417 words What is a/the libertarian argument against a state which does not regulate business, but does redistribute wealth? 457 words How would a libertarian healthcare system be more successful in the real world as opposed to universal healthcare? 368 words Under a libertarian system, would our species explore space, discover new particles, or develop other expensive projects that may not prove valuable for generations? 580 words Aren't the tenets of libertarianism fundamentally opposed to government-enforced Net Neutrality? 622 words Aren't the tenets of libertarianism fundamentally opposed to government-enforced Net Neutrality?