How would a libertarian healthcare system be more successful in the real world as opposed to universal healthcare?

This is probably the biggest thing.

When my sister was going to nursing school, there was a maximum number of nurses they could graduate each semester. The school she went to the number was 40.

So a few thousand apply, 200 get in, then that number is slowly dwindled down until the last semester there are only 50, and then only 40 graduate.

The problem is that in any given graduating class the standards are different, one class may have the lowest GPA of 3.7, while the next may be 3.9, meaning that in the second graduating class multiple potential nurses were denied their pin even though they outperformed 20% of the previous graduating class.

They limit the amount of new nurses based on how many existing nurses retire/die and how much the population grows.

This is wrong.

Imagine if they did that with auto mechanics? Or hell, any other industry?

It will raise the cost,

Basically the main variable that lowers prices in a market is supply/demand and competition. We need a higher supply than demand, and we need more competition.

Universal health care basically limits supply, and eliminates competition.

But, since the payments are being made and subsidized by the tax base (Government) , most citizens don't see any negative impact to their everyday budget. Which looks better. But actually costs society much more.

The problem is that some people are stupid, they don't take care of themselves and they won't buy health insurance no matter how affordable it is, then when they get sick or hurt we have to take care of them out of our civic duties. I am not a heartless bastard so I understand that we don't let them die. But I also know that 99.999% of other people also feel this way. And when almost every feels that way, then there is an opportunity for the free market to fill that niche. And if there were multiple organizations filling that niche one will outperform the others and serve as a model, then the others emulate and they get better. Eventually we have great cheap health care at an affordable price, and those who cannot afford it are also taken care of out of charity and goodwill.

And with choice we can greatly reduce corruption, since at any point you can pull all your money from them and send it to another charity. They know that so they are held accountable on a daily basis. Government on the other hand doesn't need to be held as accountable since, not only do they get the money no matter what, you cannot even fire them but once every 4 years. So if they screw up, they still get to keep their jobs and they still get to spend the money.

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