Is the Land Value Tax truly the least bad tax?

Ad Hominem Fallacies are NOT valid arguments. You also justify your beliefs with Circular Reasoning Fallacies, as I explain here:

Anarcho-Capitalism Circular Reasoning Stated In Lines Of Logical Propositions

A. Individual rights will be exclusively protected by private defense corporations.

B. Private defense corporations will compete against each other in a free marketplace with the intent of gaining the most profit.

C. A free and fair marketplace can only exist if individual rights (trade, property, etc) are protected, otherwise the marketplace is not free nor fair.

If you believe all the premises above as well as: (A -> B) AND (B -> C) AND (C -> B), then you believe in a circular reasoning fallacy. Individual rights would not be protected if the private defense corporations don't exist, the private defense corporations do not exist if the free marketplace does not exist, and the free marketplace does not exist because there is no entity that can independently guarantee its existence since we already assumed premise A. By negation introduction, we can reject proposition A.

Conclusion: A laissez-faire government is necessary to protect a free market where corporations of any kind are able to freely compete against each other.

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