why are taxes theft/slavery?

I am not sure which American religion forces you to follow it. But I do know that some governments force their church on it’s citizens (looking at you Church of England).

So under an Ideal Libertarian society, the importance of religion to it’s followers, it’s culture and protections (outsiders always point to tax exemption status as this giant benefit, I would argue that church ministries are typically able to easily do far more with that 10% than the government ever would. Also usually able to accomplish far more than other charities). Christians are enjoying a nice “pre-WWII-style-dehumanization” propaganda campaign in many locales. Reddit is an example of an online community that allows such hate-speech. I don’t see leftist or rightist offering any protection for our (Christian to include me, religious to include the other religions) culture… are Libertarians to be Christianity’s modern savior? Seems like “do what you want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone” forgets religious people aren’t only commonly hurt, but the most commonly hurt people in the world.

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