163 words [Star Wars] After thousands of years of bureaucracy, corruption, civil wars, Sith manipulation, and gridlock during emergencies: Why did the rebellion reinstate a "new" republic after defeating the empire? 258 words [Star Wars] What does Emperor Palpatine do all day? 173 words [LOTR] How does the plumbing work in an underground Dwarven Kingdom? 171 words [DC] Heroes in the DC universe are always worried about Superman turning evil or being mind controlled because he has the raw power to wipe out the entire human race. If this did come to pass, how would an evil Superman go about slaughtering us? What would be the most efficient way? 247 words [General Sci-Fi] What are some examples of intergalactic civilizations in fiction? 1,120 words [Lovecraft] What would life be like for the average deep one, if Cthulhu were to awaken? 514 words [Star Wars] How much child support does Vader owe? 234 words [Star Trek: TNG era] Holodecks would be the ultimate drug. In a post-scarcity environment with no monetary system and matter replicators, what's to keep me from replicating my own holodeck and living my life inside it forever? Why isn't this a social problem in TNG era? 331 words [Disney] Objectively least evil villain? 318 words [General] When I was in elementary school, my friend traded me his soul for half my sandwich. Can I use his soul to barter with a demon without damning myself to hell? 561 words [Batman Vs Superman] If Batman can stand up to Superman in a fair fight (using a specialized suit) isn't his whole argument that Superman is to dangerous to live obviously stupid and hypocritical? 524 words [Futurama]Why do Scruffy and the rest of the crew never seem to remember each other? 428 words [Warhammer 40k] If 50000 Orks crash landed in Saudi Arabia how would the rest of the world respond? 711 words [Star Wars] Can anyone please exlain the plot, stories & characters of first six star wars. I haven't seen any of the first six Star Wars but I am keen on watching the latest one. 777 words [Star Wars] Can anyone please exlain the plot, stories & characters of first six star wars. I haven't seen any of the first six Star Wars but I am keen on watching the latest one. 613 words [Star Wars] Can anyone please exlain the plot, stories & characters of first six star wars. I haven't seen any of the first six Star Wars but I am keen on watching the latest one. 621 words [Star Wars] Can anyone please exlain the plot, stories & characters of first six star wars. I haven't seen any of the first six Star Wars but I am keen on watching the latest one. 688 words [Star Wars] Can anyone please exlain the plot, stories & characters of first six star wars. I haven't seen any of the first six Star Wars but I am keen on watching the latest one. 310 words [Greek Mythology] What is Charon doing with all the coins anyway? 304 words [LOTR] How would things have turned out if Gandalf was corrupted by Sauron instead of Saruman?