[Futurama]Why do Scruffy and the rest of the crew never seem to remember each other?

Scruffy held a long sigh for a moment trying to avoid the question but bender asked this time and it was better than fry's question because bender is great " who the hell are you and why can I recall your face but not your name meatbag!?" Scruffy said " I'm scruffy the janitor and I ain't seen you before neither." Bender replied " fat chance mustache I've been working here for years and I've mapped every detail so I know what's worth stealing, speaking of Leela I think Zoidberg stole your eyephone." Zoidberg screamed " lies from the robot I'm a respectable Doctor!" Leela said " hey, Zoidbergs right he doesn't even know what a human eye looks like!" Zoidberg perks up and in a professional voice he exclaims " of course I do they are soft,gelatinous and located near the second groin above the organ that stores rocks for buoyancy." Bender screams " shut up, there's no chance I haven't bribed, shot at or stolen from anyone working at planet express, especially a poor janitor." Scruffy says " the tin man is right, chance is perhaps the pseudonym of God when he doesn't want to sign." Bender says " what the hell does that MEAN!! I'm gonna kill him!!!" Bender noo! Says Leela and fry simultaneously as they hold bender back and scruffy begins to pace saying " it were a great many years ago the professor found a device capable of crossing worlds or dimensions." The professor snaps out from sleeping and says " I what? Impossible!! But yes yes I made one in my youth." Scruffy continues " it was then that the professor found me, my name wasn't scruffy then, I was a boy with an abusive alcoholic father in the mediocre 20th century, eager to follow the professor into the unknown with only a slingshot in my pocket and skateboard at my side. " when the professor brought me here I was changed, my body adapted to the laws of this universe and I became scruffy the assistant. " as time moved forward the affects became more pronounced and soon the professor even forgot my name, cronotemporal amnesia he called it and not long after even I forgot who I was before scruffy." Leela with a single tear held back in her eye says that's horrible!" Amy chimed in " my god, so you're from the past?" Scruffy said "mhm yup.but a different past from a different universe as it were." Aha! Said bender " so you came from the past to our jobs, liquor and women from hard working thieving robots like me!" Scruffy holds back strained tears as he says " no, scruffy doesn't want to be here anymore, scruffy just wishes he could see his sisters faces one last time, scruffy knows he had a sister named Lisa who played music and a sister who I only remember as a child, sweet Maggie probably grew up never knowing who scruffy was." Scruffy can't control himself any longer and starts crying uncontrollably. Bender says " haha they sound like chumps, hey fry want to use that machine he mentioned to steal from places that aren't on the lookout for a certain robot?"

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