168 words Who did the NFL really win over? Declines another 10 percent after a 8 percent decline the previous year. 142 words Do you think SJW politics are ruining the movies? 245 words People are claiming the tax bill will increase the deficit by 1.5t over 10 years. Is this a misunderstanding or intentional dishonesty/propoganda 229 words People are claiming the tax bill will increase the deficit by 1.5t over 10 years. Is this a misunderstanding or intentional dishonesty/propoganda 111 words Is there any theory as to why the Left embraces Islam to their own destruction? 143 words Why arent we defending ne neutrality? 130 words "Tax Cut and Jobs Act" Bill Megathread 725 words Hey T_D I have no Contextual understanding of Spain and their Politics. Isn't Spain and Catalonia equally worthless? I thought they both hated trump. Please give me a 101 on spains mindset 211 words National debt, hannity interview question 175 words What are your thoughts on the Boy Scouts of America shifting to allow girls to join the scouts too? 233 words Anyone have advice for writing papers on liberal topics in college? 305 words [Discussion] California SB239. Should knowingly infecting someone with HIV remain a felony? 182 words ELI5: 2018 election? 206 words How did the political activists at these rallies and protests become so radicalized? 188 words Can someone tell me why r/the_donald is so hated outside of reddit and said to be so toxic? 259 words What is your idea of immigrants assimilating into our culture? 418 words Why are only white people "supposed" to feel guilty for historical crimes? 247 words If you haven't seen the first three episode of "The Haindmaidens Tale" watch or read or 182 words Did Spicer really need to go the Hitler route when discussing Assad's chemical weapon attacks? 186 words I love how many jobs are being brought back! As a former liberal, I know all the arguments against investing in coal. It's unclean, it's a dying resource etc. What are coal's good qualities besides providing immediate jobs?