117 words carrying one in the chamber anxiety? 197 words Maryland needs to change CCW laws 193 words CCW Holder Shoots Naked Man Causing Disturbance 211 words How do you know if your holster is good? 217 words I hate my neighborhood. 268 words Ohio bill would repeal requirement to tell police about concealed guns 351 words Have you ever had to draw your weapon? And did you have to fire? 199 words The San Antonio Mall is now saying the CCW holder shouldn't have been carrying. More in comments... 353 words Who should I seek legal advice from? 222 words CCW at High School Football Game 217 words Leather IWB holster for EDC (Shield). Should I be concerned? 1,430 words The Secret Service will not allow CCW at the RNC despite 45k signatures on a petition. Do you think they are wrong? 852 words I have some input on where I move to. How is it getting a carry permit in VA/MD/DC/DE/NY/NJ? 1,338 words We gun owners don't carry for you (Knox) 317 words Brazilian Jui-Jitsu Expert, Jocko Wilkins "If you're talking about true self defense to protect yourself from other evil human beings in this world . . .it's a gun, and it's concealed carry." [0:44] 341 words Do you really think the world is such a threatening place? 305 words I hate carry laws 415 words This sign in texas has no legal merit, right? 418 words Self-defense is cause enough for concealed weapon permit (Orange Country Register editorial) 407 words According to the Texas Legistaltures page on SB 17, it has passed today's House Committee meeting.