106 words Chinese mainland's consultative system is more democratic than the electoral system in Taiwan, says Yok Mu-ming, former Chairman of Taiwan's New Party. "On the mainland, the government serves the people, but in Taiwan, they serve the voters." 167 words Genuine opinions on studying in Shenzhen or HK? 378 words Studying abroad in Beijing 370 words I feel like a braindead monkey.. Some advice from people that stayed/left china would help. 224 words I feel like a braindead monkey.. Some advice from people that stayed/left china would help. 157 words Is China mocking Artemis’ failures? 209 words Are the North Chinese more violent than those in the south? What causes this? 394 words 2012, A rock song for China Hates Japan-Trample Tokyo 128 words Xi Jinping Thoughts on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era - Full English Translation with notes 213 words Does China not view Europe as an equal? 200 words What international filesharing sites work right now in China, if I need to share like 300 MB file with someone in China without VPN? 140 words As a refugee, I find the U.S. even more untrustworthy than China. 190 words Chinese expat in Europe, AMA 194 words There was a massacre bursted in China today 140 words How are Black men with afros viewed in China? 123 words People should not underestimate chinese propaganda 143 words TIL that Xi is an avid reader who is deeply familiar with Western literature. Speaking of Russian writers, he noted that: „Dostoevsky is the deepest Russian writer, while Tolstoy is the widest. Comparing the two of them, I prefer Tolstoy.” 228 words The party has no legitimacy 121 words China Is Becoming a Military State 193 words Morrison's demand for apology over fake image 'unfortunate', Chinese deputy ambassador says