239 words HUMOR: I loved ZSJL but there's a lot of things to look forward to! 213 words OTHER: WOW, this poll is crazy! 163 words NEWS: ‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League’ Cyborg Character Trailer 158 words APPRECIATION: That's a Mutually Beneficial Superpower. Here's hoping they aren't deprived of that. 140 words OTHER: The Snyder Cut trailer is top on trending now 124 words OTHER: Charisma Carpenter from Buffy the Vampire Slayer has come out in support of Ray Fisher, corroborating his reports of abuse from Joss Whedon with her own. 181 words Discussion: What do you think FURY OF THE GODS will be about? Inspired by? 207 words DISCUSSION: Wonder Woman movie showing on Saudi-owned TV tonight! 130 words FANCAST: A fancast for a hypothetical 1997 "Justice League of America" film. What if the Batman film series had turned out a bit differnent, and led to a reboot of Superman? Who would you cast in the franchise that followed? 158 words OTHER: David Ayer shows excitement for TSS, expresses frustration “from being hammered for something that was not my original vision.” 123 words DISCUSSION: If Shazam 2 features Tawky Tawny, I hope that they go with prosthetics and make-up over CGI. 179 words HUMOR: When they tell you to chill 100 words OTHER: 'Shazam!' ends box office run with $364.4M 714 words OTHER: Batman Producer Addresses Robert Pattinson Casting Backlash 138 words RUMOR: Matt Reeves’ The Batman’ To Feature The Riddler & Firefly; Penguin & Catwoman Confirmed 952 words SHOWERTHOUGHT: If I was responsible for the DC Cinematic Universe 164 words OTHER: ZACK REPLIES TO GAL ABOUT WW CASTING. 205 words DISCUSSION: Birds of Prey and #MeToo 459 words HUMOR: Someone better start calling the lawyers 161 words Theory: Is Wonder Woman stronger than Superman?