408 words Losing Hope 192 words I'm uneducated, please help. 271 words If you don't agree with everything in the Quran are you still a muslim? 137 words I am increasingly questioning my placement in Islam. 154 words Its Time For Responsible and Legal Gun Ownership 881 words How do Muslims respond to claims of Jesus's divinity? 315 words TFW you try to ban Muslims but a court blocks you and you try to ban Muslims again and a court still blocks you, so you try to cut funding to sanctuary cities but another court blocks you so you raise tariffs on Canadian lumber (x-post r/neoliberal). 283 words Has anyone read this book ? If so what are your opinions on the author's claims ? 946 words Dear brothers and sisters, I have a few more questions for you. 242 words About one of the most controversial verses in the Holy Qur'an i.e Surah An Nisa 4:34. 189 words Can someone refute the claim that Islamic scholars were Arab supremacists? 222 words Morocco’s High Religious Committee Says Apostates Should Not Be Killed 369 words It's substantial to be apart of Islam, I can't imagine not being Muslim. 422 words The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “The best (Jihad) is (to speak) word of justice to an oppressive ruler.” 192 words DrJillStein: US funds & arms Al-Qaeda and ISIS 239 words What are other brotherly Muslim countries doing stop genocide in committed by Iran, Russia and Syria? 182 words Where is Allah? 200 words Can I make and sell beats to rappers without committing sin? 275 words Question from a Christian 272 words I feel so suffocated