203 words How do you know Islam is the truth? 243 words Is using products with pigskin leather forbidden in Islam? 118 words Anthony Bourdain just passed away, this is him listening to the call to prayer 7 years ago in Indonesia 281 words What does this sub think about the ruling? Idk what to say about it but I wonder what the reaction would be if it was a Muslim baker who did this. I guarantee the white Christians won’t be defending him/her 153 words Islam and womens rights? 885 words Can evolution be reconciled with islam? 185 words Discussion regarding internalized homophobia in Islam? 275 words Advice needed. My best friend’s husband treats her terribly. 1,553 words Study: Atheists Find Meaning In Life By Inventing Fairy Tales 154 words For people that say "You can't judge him, he's not going to hell" 124 words Shaykh Yasir Qadhi on Stephen Hawking 122 words If the Prophet were to visit your house as a guest... 371 words A question 147 words Does the rule of not meeting a person of the opposite sex alone demean women? 159 words Why is sex before marriage forbidden? 155 words Questions about Yusuf al-Qaradawi 221 words What is Oppressive About Iranian/Saudi Hijab Requirements? | The Muslim Skeptic 334 words Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear” (Qur'an, 2:286) 168 words This is why the Muslim world is so backward...Honestly I'm astounded there are Muslims out there that think making a snowman is "dangerous". The four rightly guided caliphs had images of themselves on coins... 140 words I've a huge problem about my sister...