166 words Has competitive been worse for anyone recently? 176 words My solo queue W/L is significantly better than my group W/L 541 words [1053 SR] [Bronze] [VOD request] [Moira] I keep losing SR game after game and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong 160 words why is "not playing for the win" not a report worthy offense in OW competitive? 124 words Throwers and toxic teammates aren't as a common as people think, and shouldn't be used as an excuse for not climbing. 294 words 2 questions to players with private profiles. 195 words Main Tank vs. Sombra Hack 185 words Why Do Tank Players Feed? 142 words What is in your opinion the hardest to counter hero? 182 words How to get better at FFA? 116 words [Tip] Always respect the enemy's ability to kill you. Don't pick fights you can't win. 185 words Is no communication better than poor/ toxic communication? 331 words Ana main hardstuck plat for 6 seasons 146 words What are the proper positioning for each character? 171 words Extremely embarrassing question... How do ypu deal with Tracer as Brigitte? 182 words I placed 500 SR higher on PC than I played on console and I'm seriously scared to play ranked now. 147 words I've been struggling to climb out of bronze for a while, and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong consistently enough to stay down here. What can I do to improve? (Thorough writeup and VOD within) 472 words how to deal with Brigitte? As a healer main it feels like she's just one more hero to make my life miserable. 125 words Moira in the Dive Comp 137 words I need help with Uprising on Legendary. My plan always falls apart in the final area, and I don't know how we can fix it.