[1053 SR] [Bronze] [VOD request] [Moira] I keep losing SR game after game and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong

I don't like the fence smashing

Calculated. I have to do that to fade around. I use the fact I smashed fences later in the match on attack actually.

who's positioning where, and what your place will be in that

Unless they are on the point or in the direct proximity to it, they are overextending.

Junk has already got a kill before you can even see the rest of your team.

He was overextending, and I'm not going to chase him too far. He would have to wait whole 10 seconds to respawn if he dies. That would be painful enough for him to remember for at least 20 minutes not to overextend. Keep in mind millennials are impatient. I never (or rather I am trying not to) risk my life to save someone who is a lost cause. Welcome to Bronze.

When you're trying to spray junk in the air you have your back to the entire enemy team.

From my experience nobody will capitalize on that. I had fade at the time so I could escape and self-heal if needed.

As a solo-healing Moira with 3 tanks, I'd recommend getting on voice

That's completely pointless. Nobody ever listens.

Using fade for general mobility

I use it both for mobility and survival.

Fade is your most important CD for staying alive, especially when they have a dive tank like Winston

Yet I didn't die to said Winston not even once and Winston in my experience is the least of my problems. What's the issue here?

You should not be using it to reposition on the battlefield when you have shields

What if enemy comes behind said shield? By the way, shield may come down at any moment since Rein doesn't care about me.

and tanks protecting you

Nobody is protecting me, this is Bronze.

Ignoring Genji @ 3:09: Dealing some damage to recharge your heals was the right idea, especially with a shield up and so many squishies around. But you see Genji swift strike behind you, and you continue to tickle people through the shield while he throws shuriken at the back of your head. You very nearly died due to ignoring him for so long. In that scenario you need to be dealing with that threat immediately.

I don't think I even noticed him with all that going on my screen. I didn't die because I had my orb ready as I usually do.

Angles on Orbs: I notice that often your orbs get sent places where they immediately bounce off into oblivion.

I don't always have enough time to even think about trajectories.

You can get 10x the value from orbs by ensuring that they bounce in such a way that they continue to bounce around the point and provide healing until they're all used up.

2× at most since healing orb is 300 HP and usually it's at least half-spent if I use it.

Healing people on full health: When you're solo healing triple tanks

I can't rez so I have to make sure everyone stays at >50 % health so enemies don't start focusing. Also, I'm just sprinkling tanks with like 80—90 % health and/or tanks which are taking damage.

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