Has competitive been worse for anyone recently?

I’ve never heard a legit good reason why people don’t think LFG is good.

Here's one: LFG is restricted by the leader of the group. If the leader demands mic and public profiles, then you either oblige or get kicked. On the other hand, a role queue means you will get "optimal" team compositions without someone dictating your gaming experience.

Personally speaking, I hate LFG for the reason I mentioned above. I don't want to use mic, and I like my profile being private. This does not mean I am a troll or throwing. Yet, I will never be able to use LFG because %99.9 of the groups near my rank think that voice chat magiaclly makes you better at the game. A lost of high-ranking players I follow on Twitch don't even use voice chat that often, sometimes they don't use it at all in a game. You don't need voice chat to improve your game sense or situational awareness.

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