Bernie Sanders driven from stage at Social Security Rally by BLM protestors

Listen, I have best friends who are black, hispanic, filipino, chinese, hungarian, indian, and persian.

A common statement said by racists.

I know it's real easy to say people who don't agree with you are racists, but that just makes you a bigoted asshole.

What exactly don't you agree with? You haven't made that clear. You have, although, said that a person would not care about a white person being killed and that makes them racist. And then you don't like being called a racist. You're kind of a hypocrite here.

I have problems with blacklivesmatter because people representing that group keep calling me racist.

Instead of loudly proclaiming you totes have black friends have you examined whey they may feel that way? Have you introspected? Have you engaged people honestly? Because the brief time I have engaged you I can't help but think you are either incredibly sheltered or incredibly racist. What you actually are isn't as relevant as how you comport yourself.

I have been given a lot of shit by people who wear shirts by I don't think people who wear shirts are bad people. Why don't you separate person from idea?

To be frank, they are the most prejudiced, racist people I have to deal with regularly.

Can you give me some specific examples?

Blacklivesmatter people have a chip on their shoulder so big they can even see their own bullshit piling up.

I would probably have a chip on my shoulder too if literally every single chip was stacked against me just because the color of my skin.

You are defending racism by calling others racist.

This is a meaningless statement.

Take a good long look at youself man, cause newsflash! You are a fucking racist.

Oh, I also have a black friend. By your own definition that makes me not a racist.

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