Moving to Seattle: Advice on clothing

Our weather in Seattle is amazing. I moved from a place with snow and every once in a while I shed a small tear thinking about the time I wasted bundled into huge coats with boots.

Im not sure if you are a woman or a man. As a woman, I wear tights with a dress and leather boots about nine months out of the year. I have a light wool overcoat that is fine for our coldest days (21 degrees is the only time I remember feeling cold). I never remember gloves, although they could come in handy. I layer with scarves. If the weather is in the 50-degree range I wear a trench coat. It cuts the wind and keeps me dry. In summer I wear a dress with sandals when it's hot and a dress with boots when it's still chilly, or at night (nights are cool here).

If I were a guy I would wear jeans with boots and a knit shirt and a jacket most of the year. Jeans with a tee in summer. And shorts with a tee when it gets really hot.

Fwiw, the first year I moved here I was so warm I didn't even use a winter coat. It never go below 40 degrees and I just never bothered to pull it out of storage. The during summer I was freezing every night because if rarely went above 80 during the day and then went down to 60 every night. The second year, it got down to 50 degrees and I was shivering. Then in the summer it hit 79 and I was like "oh god it's so hot!" So it's likely you will find it really temperate your first year and then adapt.

I actually got so cold during the nights my first summer that I tried to find a space heater for my apartment because my building didn't turn on the heat until October. Everyone thought that was nuts, and by the second year I totally agreed.,

/r/Seattle Thread