275 words "I doubt even the best teacher could make a class from the poor part of Chicago not fail. Leonardo da Vinci wouldn't be able to make a good piece of art if all he's given to work with is poop." [+65] 585 words "no matter what you say or what they feel a trans woman is not the same as a real woman." [+47] 453 words "I would watch this guy's channel if he didn't say "gay" and "f****t" all the time. I mean, come on dude..." [-39] "what are you fucking gay?" [+52] 26 words what is the actual point of this sub? 306 words /r/india discusses marital rape and things get ugly 495 words "He may just have an Asian fetish" [+175] 484 words thank you 1,035 words "Yeah... But crazy-girl sex is the best." [116] 374 words "South Koreans are just about the most racist people on the planet. I cannot speak to their Northern brothers, but given my experience in Asia, generally, I wouldn't hold out great hope." [+23] 414 words 'I feel that being a transgender is wrong. What gender you are born with is who you are and if you feel like a woman in a man's body then you have a mental disorder and should seek professional help instead of getting a sex change.' [+27] 375 words 'I feel that being a transgender is wrong. What gender you are born with is who you are and if you feel like a woman in a man's body then you have a mental disorder and should seek professional help instead of getting a sex change.' [+27] 443 words "They love tough love until some 16 year old's parents are against marijuana, then it's straight to /r/raisedByNarcissists[2] to vent about abuse by their Nmom." [+23] 469 words Ellen Pao Resigns 291 words "Why shouldn't gay people adopt children?" [+7] "People like you should calm the fuck down and accept that other people have different beliefs." [+844] 342 words You should all be fucking ashamed of yourselves 318 words THE Most Relevant XKCD 306 words "I sexually identify as a an alligator..." [+31] 309 words If you guys hate it so much here and love generalizing the Reddit community, why don't you leave? 356 words From /u/freddiegray: "Falsely accusing someone of rape should carry the same penalties as actually raping someone IMO." 327 words "This is how racism is made." [+150] "I don't hate any race, I hate certain subcultures, and it just so happens that certain races tend to have more people of certain subcultures that I hate" [+75]