"Yeah... But crazy-girl sex is the best." [116]

Haha, what a bunch of fucking idiots. Some choice comments:

You were literally reducing women with mental illnesses down to how enjoyable they are to fuck in relation to neurotypical women, and I'm the pretentious asshole here?

And the response:


The first comment is being downvoted more, by the way. Apparently it's totally okay to completely objectify and put down women with mental illness since they're 'crazy' or whatever.

For a while I dated this chick who had schizophrenia. Usually she was on her medications, but there was a short while where she wasn't able to see a doctor to renew her meds for a while, so she was having hallucinations (only auditory and very minor, but still). The sex was absolutely insane.

And the response:

Did she accuse you of cheating on herselves?

So not only do women with mental illness apparently make constant cheating accusations, but apparently this redditor has zero understanding of schizophrenia and opted to go for a cheap iteration of a badly misinformed joke. Thankfully people at least pointed out how completely wrong they were about what schizophrenia is (honestly, take the 5 seconds to look up schizophrenia instead of copy-pasting the same shitty joke everyone uses - not that hard).

LOL. jesus christ. crazy bitches fucking SUCK. every single time, it's boring as fuck and they do basically nothing. go boast your virginity somewhere else.

This one's at -4, but somehow the reply

Either way, crazy is not worth it.

makes me doubt it has anything to do with distaste for the posters' open hatred towards women with mental illness. Looks like the reason this poster got mildly downvoted was because he also dared to insult the OP AND suggest that 'crazy girl sex' isn't as good as they suggested. Remember, you can insult and objectify mentally ill women all you want (and you'll be downvoted if you challenge people doing that), but if you dare suggest that reddit's pure STEM knowledge on sexual intercourse is incorrect, you better believe you'll be kind of downvoted but still not really.

Especially when only one of you knows that you're trying for a baby...

Oh, women with mental illness are also all using sex as a vehicle for having a child without the consent of the man.

Fuck reddit, and fuck society's attitudes towards mental illness. I more and more get the impression that almost everyone who claims to care about mental health and stigma is utterly and totally full of shit. Sure, they'll share a fucking quote on how depression sucks after a famous person they like dies, but the second a person has anything that isn't depression or anxiety or anyone actually experiences what it's REALLY like for those people (because, of course, it's incredibly easy to make yourself look moral by claiming support for a cause like mental health - not so easy to actually BE moral and follow up by actively committing yourself to the principles you claim to support by treating people with mental illnesses with respect) suddenly they're crazy, or need to be institutionalized, or they like causing suffering (bipolar and borderline personality disorder get this a lot), and all of that previous support evaporates. I even see this with mental health awareness pages for my university and things like that. They talk about de-stigmatizing eating disorders, anxiety, and depression - and I'm sure many of the people involved with these efforts are actually sincere - but they won't touch bipolar or schizophrenia or borderline or anything like those with a thousand-foot long pole. I'm not kidding when I say I looked through things they'd posted and there was not a single mention of bipolar or borderline, and there was only one mention of schizophrenia and it was in an image that they shared about different mental health struggles. These things get very little focus. Living with these disorders is absolute torture, and no one involved really wants to be seen just as 'crazy', and yet societal perceptions are that they're all dangerous individuals with essentially nothing of value to give to anyone beyond sex in the case of women (since everyone talks about how 'crazy-girl sex is the best' and 'don't stick your dick in crazy' as a rule that needs to be remembered) and art in the case of individuals with bipolar (and by the way, people with bipolar 1 very often aren't actually productive at all in the manic phases because of how severely debilitating the manic state can be) .

I say all of this as a man with serious mental health concerns, and I still don't even actually know what they are after 6 years of being through the mental health system. Many possibilities have been suggested to me, with the most recent suggestion being raised being bipolar 1 disorder. I'm 19 now. I had psychotic episodes at fucking 13 and 15 years old, periods of extremely intense psychological activation, and depression severe enough that I didn't realize constant daily suicidal thoughts were considered a serious warning sign in people. Objectively, I'm doing pretty poorly in terms of mental health. But from what I've heard consistently from others, nobody realizes whatsoever that I struggle with mental health issues unless I tell them. Every day is a constant battle with mental illness, but I'm still a person. I'm in university full-time. I did well in high school. I have interests. I did all of this without much social support, since I never felt I could trust anybody around me with these issues (and I still know I can't). I'm doing well, even by the standards of neurotypical people. I'm not a living embodiment of crazy with zero features of personhood outside of mental health. None of these people would even know that I'm mentally ill if I didn't tell them, and that's how I know so many people around me have shitty attitudes to mental health. Because I hear them saying it, because they think they're in safe company to do so.

Went into an extremely long rant there, and the post is old enough that I'm not sure if anyone will see it, but this stuff annoys me so much.

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